Fair Debt Collection Practices

fair debt collection practices

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) provides the consumer with specific rights to protect from debt collectors.

If you have an account that has been charged off and sent to a collection agency, you most likely have experienced the efforts of an unscrupulous debt collector!

Basically, a debt collector cannot:

  • Threaten or berate you
  • Harass or intimidate you
  • Call numerous times or during odd hours
  • Make false statements or their intentions ("...we will sue you if you don't pay now!")
  • contact neighbors, family or friends about the debt.  They can only state that they are trying to locate you.
  • Contact your employer about your debt

How to stop the collection calls:

If you receive a letter from a collector, it will have the name of the company and address.

Write a brief letter stating that you demand that the collector stoop calling you at home (and work if employed) or you intend to report them to your state attorney general.

Date and sign the letter.

Mail by registered mail (you need a receipt proving that the collector received the letter).

Start a phone log and keep a clear record of all calls that come after the receipt of the letter. A collector may call one time after receipt to state they have received the letter and will not call you anymore.

Usually, the make one last threatening remark like, "now you have forced us to start legal action against you...".

Take good notes, because if they do not start legal action, you may have grounds to sue them!

Dealing with debt collectors is a very trying experience and you may need help.

We have been helping our customers for 8 years to:

  • Stop the collection calls
  • Lower the monthly amount they need to pay
  • Negotiate the debt for a 50% or more reduction
  • Improve their credit rating as debts are settled

If you need help dealing with your creditors, give us a call TODAY!


fair debt collection practices

Tags: fdcpa, how to stop collection calls, fair debt collection practices