If you have had a JUDGMENT recorded against you, then it will show up under NEGATIVE ITEMS on your credit report.
A JUDGMENT tells anyone reviewing your credit:
- You failed to pay a credit account as promised
- Attempts to work out a repayment plan failed
- The creditor filed a COMPLAINT and you received a SUMMONS
- The creditor was awarded a JUDGMENT by default
If you do not have a current FREE CREDIT REPORT from all 3 of the major report agencies:
From the Credit Report, find out where or what court the judgment has been recorded.
If there is a phone or fax, great! If not, do a little searching (yellowpages.com) to find.
Fax or mail:
- Proof of payment or release of the judgment. A copy of the settlement agreement or actual letter from the collection agency or law firm is even better.
- Copy of cancel check(s) from your bank records.
- A brief explanation why you are requesting the judgment to be removed.
Follow the procedure for each agency. Sending to one doesn't do anything for the others!
In some cases, you can make your request online.
It may take 45-60 days to get a response or see the jugment removed. The Credit Reporting Agency should email or mail their decision.
If positive, YOU DID IT!
If not, then try again. You may want to call.
The credit reporting agencies want to provide accurate, up-to-date information. As long as you have the proper "proof and/or explaination" of why the judgment should be removed or classified as "paid-as-agreed", they will work with you.